When people talk about divorce mediation, it is often in the context of a lower-conflict divorce. It is easy for people to understand how couples who disagree only about a few minor details could work out their divorce with the help of a neutral professional to settle those disagreements.
Most people believe that there still needs to be a civil relationship between the two parties for mediation to work. Unfortunately, these assumptions might mean that those who could benefit from mediation don’t even consider it an option in their case.
There is actually a type of mediation that can work for those in high-conflict divorces. This type of mediation could be an option when working together directly is not.
Caucus mediation may help in tense situations
People dismiss mediation as a tool for high-conflict divorces because they think everyone needs to sit down together. However, battling spouses might end up screaming at one another and achieving nothing beneficial.
However, there is an alternate form of mediation that can work in higher-conflict situations. Caucus mediation can keep the parties involved in the dispute separate from one another. The mediation professional goes back and forth between rooms or even separate facilities. They discuss the details of the situation with each spouse and their legal representative separately.
Eventually, it may be possible for them to settle on specific terms and sign an agreement. Although caucus mediation can take longer than traditional mediation, it may allow those currently embroiled in an emotional, high-conflict divorce to settle disagreements and move forward without a long, costly court battle. Learning about different options for divorce, including mediation, may benefit those preparing for divorce and hoping to avoid litigation.